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betbigdollarcasino| Dongfang Huanyu's latest shareholder number dropped 8.18% month-on-month, and chips tend to be concentrated

Securities Times NewsbetbigdollarcasinoDongfang Huanyu (60370) disclosed on the exchange interactive platform on April 22 that as of April 20, the number of shareholders in the company was 14239, a decrease of 1269 from the previous period (April 10), and a month-on-month decrease of 8.18%.

securities timesbetbigdollarcasino? According to data treasure, as of press time, Dongfang Huanyu's closing price was 13.35 yuan, down 1.62%. Since the concentration of chips in this period, its share price has dropped by 10.10%. Specific to each trading day, there were 2 increases and 6 declines.

betbigdollarcasino| Dongfang Huanyu's latest shareholder number dropped 8.18% month-on-month, and chips tend to be concentrated

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