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casitsucasinonodepositbonus| Dongjie Intelligent (300486.SZ): Director Liang Yansheng and those acting in concert plan to reduce their shares by no more than 0.91% in total

Gelonghui April 30 丨 Dongjie Intelligent (300486)(300486casitsucasinonodepositbonus.SZ) announced that Mr. Liang Yansheng, the company's director, holds 14,294,679 shares of the company (accounting for 3.51% of the company's total share capital) and plans to reduce the company's shares by no more than 3,573,670 shares in total through centralized bidding transactions or block transactions (ie, no more than the company's total share capitalcasitsucasinonodepositbonus0.88%).

casitsucasinonodepositbonus| Dongjie Intelligent (300486.SZ): Director Liang Yansheng and those acting in concert plan to reduce their shares by no more than 0.91% in total

Mr. Liang Chunsheng, the person acting in concert with Mr. Liang Yansheng, holds 490,084 shares of the company (accounting for 0.12% of the company's total share capital) and plans to reduce the company's shares by no more than 122,521 shares in total through centralized bidding transactions or block transactions (that is, no more than 0.03% of the company's total share capital).

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