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baccarat999| Datang West City (00620.HK)'s 2023 revenue will decrease by approximately 96% and resume trading tomorrow

Gelonghui April 29 丨 Datang West City (00620baccarat999.HK) announced that as of the year ended December 31, 2023, the Group recorded revenue of approximately HK$44.5 million during the year, a decrease of approximately 96% compared with 2022. A loss of approximately HK$358.5 million was recorded for the year, while a profit for the year of approximately HK$186.4 million was recorded for the previous year.

baccarat999| Datang West City (00620.HK)'s 2023 revenue will decrease by approximately 96% and resume trading tomorrow

The Company has applied to the Stock Exchange to resume trading in the Company's shares starting from 9:00 a.m. on April 30, 2024.

baccarat999: Congratulations

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