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streetfighterarcadegame| iFlytek: Science and Technology Literature Model-Spark Scientific Research Assistant's capabilities will continue to improve with the iteration of the Spark Model's technical base

Tonghuashun (300033) Financial Research Center, April 27streetfighterarcadegame, some investors asked iFlytek (002230)(002230) questions that iFlytek's product power needs to be strengthened. For example, iFlytek's translation technology is so good, but it is not good in academic document translation. This area has very important application scenarios, and a large number of scientific researchers need to read foreign documents. iFlytek's document model has the following problemsstreetfighterarcadegame: 1. Scanned PDF files are not well recognized. Some documents are divided into columns. Large document models are not well recognized. They are still read line by line, resulting in confusing translation. 2. The length of document translation is too short. It is recommended to provide the function of full-text translation to achieve cross-reference in Chinese and English. It is recommended to invest resources in document translation and make it more precise and strong. Thank you

The company replied, Hello, the capabilities of the scientific and technological literature model-Spark Scientific Research Assistant will continue to improve with the iteration of the technical base of the Spark Model. Thank you for your enthusiastic attention and suggestions.

streetfighterarcadegame| iFlytek: Science and Technology Literature Model-Spark Scientific Research Assistant's capabilities will continue to improve with the iteration of the Spark Model's technical base

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