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paperboyarcade| Big Bank Rating| UBS: raises earnings forecast for copper and aluminum-related stocks this year and next

UBS releases reportpaperboyarcade, raised the earnings forecast for copper and aluminum-related stocks this year and next, with Luo Mo...

cryptoracinggame| Shilong Industrial (002748.SZ): Received the administrative penalty decision and implemented ST warning from May 17

News summary Shilong Industrial accepted the "Administrative Penalty Decision" from the Securities Regulatory Bureau. St...

l0t0p0l0nia| Dongjiang Environmental Protection: Fireworks grade copper oxide products have been successfully produced, and their technical strength has been highlighted

News summary...

funreproulette| LTECH Holdings landed in the U.S. stock market and opened up more than 38%

Wednesdayfunreproulette, LTECH Holdings (RAYfunreproulette.US) landed in the U.S. stock market and opened up more than 38%, at US$5.53,...

100playvideopoker| Zhilai Technology (300771.SZ): A total of 50.677 million yuan was spent to repurchase 2.08% of shares

Gelonghui May 15 丨 Zhilai Technology (300771)(300771.SZ) announced that as of May 14, 2024, the company has purchased a total of 5 shar...

funarcadegames| Game stocks will pick up? Chinese manufacturers 'global mobile game revenue share rose nearly 2% month-on-month in April

Today (May 15)Sensor Tower announced the global revenue rankings of Chinese mobile game publishers in April this yearfunarcadegames, am...

dabberssocialbingo| Tianjin Investment City opens up 5.23% Property policy easing stimulates demand

May 15thDabberssocialbingoTianjin Investment Chengkai (600322) shares rose sharply, as of 10:51, Tianjin Investment Chengkai rose 5%Dab...

gothamknightscrashing| Ningbo Founder hit a new high in May, new energy vehicle sales growth

On May 15, the share price of Ningbo founder (300998) rose sharply. As of 10:47, Ningbo founder was up 5%.Gothamknightscrashing.14%, at...

sashimivideopoker| "Return of the King"! GME and AMC soared for the second consecutive day, and everything was like 2021 repeating itself

The return of the King! GME and AMC skyrocketed for the second day in a row, and everything seems to repeat itself in 2021What I saw o...

spinmybonus| China's stock market fluctuated slightly, with the Nasdaq Composite Index rising 0.75%: A review of global stock market trends

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